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Graduate Attribute 07


Design, facilitate and guide learning for each individual’s success, using a wide range of context-appropriate strategies.


Every learner is different. Every learner is an individual. And yet in the education sector teachers typically engage with learners in groups - sometimes very large groups. This situation and the potential tensions arising from it are matters I have reflected upon from the very beginnings of my teaching career. As outlined in my career story, I trained as a secondary teacher in the late 1980s. During teaching practice placements, I began to question the purpose and wisdom of compulsory education, feeling quite strongly that learning should occur in a time and manner suited to the individual's needs, goals and preferences. As a result, my experience as a secondary teacher was only partly successful.


Upon commencing teaching in tertiary environments however, I found that these environments were a much better match with my core values as the students were/are there by choice (by and large). Consequently I began to take advantage of the opportunities to devise and deliver learning designs that would provide learners more individualised and more interactive experiences.




Targeting for different cohorts

  • targeted resources and workshops - e.g.

- at AUT, design of CV/Employability workshops for Health Promotion vs Postgrad cohorts vs Chinese Centre

- at AUT, design of KEYS to Leadership Success workshops to cater to students from diverse backgrounds and with varied learning styles/preferences

- at OP, redesigning the resources/activities for the ISP 2015 class (see Case Study 1)


For more on these examples, refer to:


Theme 3 - Creative


Theme 7 - Individual


Case Study 2

Use of digital/online systems and innovative practices

  • the Year 2 Contemporary Issues course, which is offered in a blended mode, largely through online delivery

  • development of learning resources to be utilised in a fully online offering of KEYS to Career Success papers

Use of Active Engagement strategies

  • role play, group work, placement, trialing career assessments


Designing learn experiences that cater to different learning styles/preferences

  • examples of lesson plans from 2015 using slides, images, videos, music, card sorts, role play, group work, etc

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